
参与活动是实现和提高学生教育目标的重要一步. 在中国博彩平台, 我们的目标是促进人际交往和领导能力的发展,为您的校园和职业成功. 

学生俱乐部 & 组织

以下是校园俱乐部和组织的列表. 我们鼓励你多学习,多参与! 

  • 成人学习俱乐部 Provides an interactive setting for adult learners to meet peers and mentors at 中国博彩平台. Members participate in a wide range of campus community programs and events throughout the academic year. 主题包括教育、金融或职业中国博彩平台.
  • 艺术及艺术行政俱乐部 Provides a forum for students that are interested in exploring arts-related opportunities both on and off campus.
  • 蓝白协会(BWS) Provides opportunities for Penn Staters to support the Penn State 校友 Association’s mission; to support past, 当前的, and future students and 校友 of the University; Supports campus communities with Penn State pride and 领导; Enhances the student experience by building relationships and connections with 校友; and instills the concept that student involvement with the University can be and should be a lifelong commitment.
  • 黑人学生会(BSU) - This club was started to create a safe space for black students to meet and speak to people with similar experiences. 俱乐部成员也帮助校园教育和意识.
  • 企业社会 Serves as a conduit through which members can access relevant business resources by networking with prominent community entrepreneurs. 协会努力提升学生的个人职业形象.
  • 校园活动委员会(CAB Enhances the 中国博彩平台 student experience through planning and promoting a wide range of on-campus programs. The board is responsive to student interest with a primary goal of creating a dynamic and fun campus social environment.
  • 校园基督教团契(CCF 团契的工作是学习、分享和反映他们的基督教信仰. Members meet for weekly bible study and collaborate with other clubs for educational and awareness programs 以及社区服务.
  • 〇汽车俱乐部 给那些表达对汽车的热爱的人一个与其他学生联系和交流的途径. 他们每年都会举办车展,并参加当地的活动.
  • 〇通信学会 授权会员培养更有意义和有效的沟通技巧, 实践, 和信仰. Members collaborate to develop ethical communication 实践; nurture applied learning skills; encourage diversity; provide service to our campus, 大学, the communication field and the public; and foster intellectual and professional growth in human communication, 文化, 和媒体.
  • 〇社区英雄 Serves and gives back to the surrounding Lehigh Valley community through a variety of service projects while building relationships and connections.
  • 〇板球俱乐部 通过体育精神团结不同背景和文化的人, 领导, 纪律, 通过打板球来努力工作. 俱乐部为其成员创造了学习的机会, 实践, 和他们的同龄人一起玩世界上第二受欢迎的运动.
  • 〇电子竞技俱乐部 允许对电子游戏有共同兴趣的成员加入. 俱乐部希望通过各种活动与同学们分享这种兴趣, 聚会, 以及校园内外的比赛.
  • 全球学生组织(GSO) GSO’s mission is to bring together students of all backgrounds to promote diversity and personal development; to spread awareness of cultural differences in both our campus and 大学, 一起学习成为世界公民意味着什么. 世界公民重视国际联系和文化差异. Students of all backgrounds and ages are encouraged to join the club to share their thoughts and experiences and become a global citizen.
  • 卫生和人类服务协会(HHSS) - Helps students gain an understanding and appreciation for the various health care fields through volunteering services, 教育之旅, 以及演讲嘉宾.
  • 健康政策和管理(HPA) - Society strives to influence the 中国博彩平台 student body through health focused research; doing volunteer work and hosting informational events.
  • 遗产- - - - - - 鼓励西班牙裔和拉丁裔背景的学生联合起来支持和庆祝. Holds meetings to discuss relevant issues and identifies ways to educate the campus community on Hispanic and Latino 文化s while promoting inclusion
  • 荣誉学会- 丰富了校园内外的大学生活. Connects academic minded students with one another as well as providing members with an opportunity to achieve academic success, 旅游的机会, 领导经验和公民参与.
  • Lambda Pi Eta - Lambda Pi Eta is one of the 400 chapters around the country that honors scholastic achievement in the communication 纪律 and encourages networking and community relations among members.狮子大使 (LA) -  Strives to share positive Penn State experiences and promote the campus to prospective students, 父母, 校友, 以及其他校园访客. 他们在录取过程中起着至关重要的作用. Their main goal is to exhibit Penn State Pride and make people as excited about the University as we are. 除了在校园里和招生部门一起工作, they also organize several social events and fundraisers throughout the year to enhance student experience on campus.
  • 穆斯林学生协会(MSA) The group was formed to create an open environment where students can come together and reflect upon their religious and personal views. 计划开展的项目旨在加强校园内的公开对话,包括不同信仰之间的交流.
  • 〇骄傲团体 学生们每两周会面一次,讨论各种对LGBTQA+社区成员重要的话题. 会员协助校园意识和宣传项目.
  • 〇心理学会 Inspires and encourages to build a greater understanding of the field of psychology and its relevance in all aspects of life. 俱乐部为学生们提供了相互联系的机会, 大学, 并在较大的社区通过各种社会活动, 专业发展活动, 以及社区服务.
  • 康复及人类服务社 The purpose of the RHS Club is to provide education and awareness in the Rehabilitation and Health sciences. The club promotes the involvement of PSULV students in learning about and helping communities and individuals in need.
  • 上升, 团结和授权会员和学生起来反对性暴力, 滥用, 人口贩卖, 以及我们社区的剥削, 通过意识预防, 行动与善后. 该俱乐部在校园定期举办教育和意识项目,包括穿她的鞋走一英里.
  • 学生自治协会(SGA) - 代表学生群体. The organization is open to all 中国博彩平台 and also includes  elected representatives  of both first-year students and upperclassmen. SGA专注于学生服务和活动领域, 学术事务, 和物理设施,因为它们关系到学生生活的改善. 年度活动包括与校长的公开论坛, 11月的SGA舞会, 一分钟学专业, CCSG周末在大学公园, 六旗年终之旅等等!
  • 滑雪 & 〇单板滑雪俱乐部 围绕着对户外冬季活动的热情,包括滑雪, 滑雪, 还有雪管. 俱乐部成员可以定期去当地的滑雪胜地,并在休息时旅行.
  • STEM俱乐部- 将所有对科学领域有共同兴趣的学生聚集在一起, 技术, 工程, 和数学, 也被称为STEM. 俱乐部为学生们提供了与志趣相投的人交往的机会, 并参与刺激和知识性的STEM活动.
  • 索恩- 为抗击儿童癌症筹集资金,并支持那些与癌症作斗争的家庭. THON is the largest student run philanthropy in the world and all fundraising efforts benefit the Four Diamonds Fund at the Hershey Medical Center, 资助四个钻石家族,资助攻克儿童癌症的研究. 俱乐部全年举办几项活动,包括躲避球锦标赛, 儿童图书推广活动, 距离马拉松活动还有100天, 无声拍卖.
  • 〇老学生团体 提供互助, 社交和智力成长的机会, 并在中国博彩平台为退伍军人和军人建立友谊. 这个组织对所有中国博彩平台的老学生开放.


中国博彩平台为学生提供了许多校内运动和俱乐部运动. Learn more about athletic clubs >>


狮子大使 are a group of student volunteers who serve as an extension of the 招生 office at 中国博彩平台. 我们是学业成绩优异的学生, 学校精神, 领导, 和国籍.


There are many opportunities for student leaders at 中国博彩平台 to develop their 领导 skills. 此外,我还参加了许多学生经营的俱乐部和组织, 讲座, 研讨会, 整个学年也为学生提供志愿者机会. 学生领袖也有机会参加年度领导会议.


中国博彩平台 students have the opportunity to volunteer for a variety of agencies and projects through academic classes, 校园活动, 以及社区英雄俱乐部.

Some examples of community service include the Women’s 5K Classic Walk/Run (a fundraiser to promote breast cancer awareness), 美国读, 马丁·路德·金服务日, KidsFest, 献血活动, 人类家园, 在当地学校做家教, 还有更多.


整个学年的课程, 各种各样的艺术家, 作家, 中国博彩平台, 讲师定期访问校园,为学生提供不同的文化视角.
Learn more about these opportunities through Office of 全球 Education and 包容 Excellence >>

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